Step 11- Warning Signs in Dating and What to Do with Them

“Now you’re looking for the secret. But you won’t find it because of course, you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to work it out. You want to be fooled. –Cutter, The Prestige The following signs don’t necessarily mean it won’t work out, but they are red flags that need to be addressed quickly if you see them. Hopefully, if they are addressed quickly, your relationship will be saved in the long run. The warning signs to follow are what you may find in a Christian relationship. (These don't include dating a non-beliver , dating someone who pressures you sexually, dating someone is on a totally different page than you in terms of denomination and theology, or dating someone who physically abuses you. I think it goes without saying that these are obvious signs not to date someone... but I thought I'd mention them nonetheless). Don’t put your hope in a person Take notice if someone is looking to you for fulfillment and purpose and/or if y...