Step 4- Pray a Lot and Pray a Lot of Scripture

“And we too must realize- in our day- that prayer is serious business. The only reason we’ve been given the privilege of prayer at all is because Jesus, our “great High Priest,” has violently taken on our sin with His own blood and “passed through the heavens” to create a portal of access to the Father.”- Steven and Alex Kendrick, The Battle Plan for Prayer Prayer is a powerful tool and essential for the Christian walk. Staying in a state of constant communication with God throughout the day will provide more peace than anything the world has to offer. He’s the only counselor that has all the answers, the only physician that can fully heal you, and the only redeemer who can truly redeem you. One of the best ways to get through difficult times is by praying for God to pull you through each moment. You can pray something like this, “God, help me make it through this moment, this day, this week. I surrender this day to you. Fill me with your Holy Spirit.” Prayer sh...